Friday, January 16, 2009

Job Well Done???

I know many of you have passed this point in blog world, but as I have been saying I have been lost. So for the sake of my catching up with you, here it is. Pretty much the only people who read my blog know where I'm coming from on this, so, I feel free shouting out how I feel. For those of you who are not familiar, you can skip this post and not hurt my feelings :)

Let me start by saying I have been blessed with great friends and leaders over this last phase of life transition. Wednesday night during one of our coveted prayer sessions, one of those great friends and leaders compiled a much prayed over and edited playlist for our worship and prayer setting. In that playlist was the following song:

"When I Speak Your Name"
Jesus, the most beautiful name of all names
Jesus, the only name that brings healing and strength
When I speak Your Name, mountains move, chains are loosed
When I speak Your Name, darkness flees, it has no hold on me

Jesus, the most beautiful name that I know
You’re the exalt- ed One
Jesus, You have the power alone
You lift the lone- ly one, Je- sus

Jesus, the most wonderful name of all names
Jesus, the only name that brings freedom and hope
When I speak Your Name, mountains move, chains are loosed
When I speak Your Name, darkness flees, it has no hold on me

(1st ending)
You lift the lone- ly one
(Repeat Chorus)

(2nd ending)
You lift the lone- ly one, Je- sus

Be exalted, be exalted, be exalted higher and higher
Be exalted, be exalted, be exalted higher and higher
Be exalted, be exalted, be exalted higher and higher
Be exalted, be exalted, be exalted higher and higher

"What is my point?" you ask??? Well, I had a revelation during this song that I had not had ever before. I thought I'd had closure until this very moment when the words of this song brought healing and enlightenment to my inner self that has been resisting and holding on to visions mixed with personal feelings for too long now.

What if this group was sent here to learn how to pray, enabled to tear down strongholds through prayer, write His name on this mountain, loose the chains tied to this drowning community, to cause darkness to flee releasing it's hold of oppression on these people...what if?

Maybe part of the great calling was the willingness to be enabled for great impact on a place to be inhabited by others, walking away to open up a released mountain for the work God has enabled another for in this place! A work that is so important for the kingdom that this mountain needed preparation in advance by those willing to give it up and hand it over as sacred holy ground!

His name covers the walls and none can deny the change in the spiritual realm that took place by His name being engraved on a ground dedicated to His greater purpose. Melanie once shared an epiphany in the latter days before the changes started to take place, with regards to our being called to serve there because of the ministry we could have to the oppressed! What if it was to free the hill in His name?

What if our being called on to other ministry is God giving us the go ahead because the task is completed and another job is now prepared for us as well as another group prepared for this place, our job well done?

What if the visions we have seen and tasted of for this place are all to come to pass because of our willingness to roll up our sleeping bags, having stayed long enough on this mountain? I think we all can agree that the visions we have had are for this people and this community and this church. I doubt many of us ever contemplated not being there for that fruition, but it will happen just the same because of obedience!

As the song states, His name brings hope, healing, strength, and freedom...take Him with you and lift oppression in His name as you walk where you have been led.

I truly love each of you, and am confidently awaiting next orders from on High!

Monday, January 5, 2009

(Non-Tv Series) LOST

(Non-TV Series) LOST
Current mood: scared
Category: Life

Definition for lost
- unable to find way: unable to find the way to a place
- mislaid: unable to be found temporarily
- gone: no longer in existence or use

Never has this word been more applicable to my place in life than now.

I wish I were not at such a loss for words and specific emotion right now, but it is just not that easy. Instead, I find myself unable to speak and in a pool of mixed emotion that seems deep enough to drown in. If I had to narrow it down to the most overpowering, it would probably be sorrow.

Genesis 28:15I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

It is not possible to stay, yet I do not believe I am to follow the open path. I have no clear answers, just silence and occasionally the eerie echoes of my own crying out, as if alone in a cave. I do not handle some things well, especially things I cannot figure out.

My verse for the year:
Exodus 23:5 (Amplified Bible)
"If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying [helpless] under his load, you shall refrain from leaving the man to cope with it alone; you shall help him to release the animal."

Sounds about right for this donkey!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thoughts of a Troubled Mind

Thoughts of a troubled mind
Current mood: depressed
Category: Life

As the year has come full circle and we are heading full force into 2009, I find myself not looking to the future as much as contemplating the past. Decisions made, roads taken, friendships made, ties broken, etc... are some of the things that have brought me to the place I am now. The reason I look at 2009 with the perspective that I do, is partly due to my choices and partly due to things out of my control, as with everyone.

I know of several things in my past that I wish I had done differently, and yet since it is not possible to turn back time, I am stuck with how that will affect every aspect of the rest of my life. At a very young age we have the ability to screw up with no way of fixing it by the time we realize what we have done. The cosmic detrimental door that has been opened is now blown from the hinges never to be shut again.

Where does one go from here? If there is no reverse and no time travel, how do we live with the mess? It cannot be cleaned up the stain was quick and irreversible, so why are we given such power so young? Is it that we should have more wisdom at a younger age, or that life throws us off for the simple purpose of continual struggle which leads to growth, or is there a purpose I do not see that you could shed light on for me?